Articles by John Wijngaards

See also: Books

ARTICLES between 2009 and 1999


ARTICLES from 1965 to 1999

  1. "Hosi' and Heºelah a Twofold Approach to the Exodus", in Vetus Testamentum 15 (1965) 91-102.
  2. Review of A.K. Fenz, "Auf Jahwes Stimme hören", Freiburg 1964, in Tijdschrift voor Theologie Sept. (1965) 341-342.
  3. "Uneasiness about the Faith", in Millhilliana 17 (1965) 45-49.
  4. "Easter Celebration: Our `Eating and Drinking' with God", in Witness unto Christ 1 (1966) 194-198.
  5. "The Second Vatican Council's Declaration on Ecumenism", in The South India Churchman (1966) 1-4.
  6. "Preaching from Scripture", serial in Nene Velugu 2 (1966) 7-9; 6-8; 3 (1967) 12-14; 10-12; 17-23; 19-21.
  7. "The Episode of the Magi and Christian Kerygma", in Indian Journal of Theology 16 (1967) 30-41.
  8. "Death and Resurrection in Covenantal Context (Hos. VI 2)" in Vetus Testamentum 17 (1967) 226-239.
  9. "Saint Luke's Prologue in the Light of Modern Research", in The Clergy Monthly 31 (1967) 172-179; 251-258.
  10. "Prayer for Guidance: an Attitude Common to Christians and Muslims", in The Muslim World 57 (1967) 259-264.
  11. "Heroes of the Faith in the Bible", in Word and Worship 1 (1967) 101-102.
  12. "Practical Attitudes of the Believer", in Word and Worship 1 (1967) 229-231.
  13. "Declaring oneself for Christ", in Word and Worship 1 (1967) 125-130.
  14. "Pastoral Teams. A Contribution to Renewal", in Millhilliana 20 (1968) 51-54.
  15. "Prayer for Guidance: Origin, Historical Background and Meaning", in The Muslim World 58 (1968) 1-11.
  16. "Sacred Scripture in the Life of the Priest", in Word and Worship 1 (1968) 253-258.
  17. "Will the Seminar Increase our Efficiency?" in All India Seminar "Church in India Today",. New Delhi 969, pp. 186-189
  18. "Scriptural Reflections on the All India Seminar", serial in The New Leader 66 (1969) 6 April; 13 April; 27 April; 11 May; 18 May; 25 May. Also in The Herald 1969, May 2, etc.
  19. "An Assessment of General Trends in the Consultation on Priestly Training", in Indian Ecclesiastical Studies 8 (1969) 327-332.
  20. "Sharing Responsibilities in the Pastoral Apostolate", in Nene Velugu 5 (1969) 2-6.
  21. "You will not bow down to them or serve them", in The Indian Journal of Theology 18 (1969) 180-190.
  22. "Have Catholics and Protestants a Different Bible?", unpublished manuscript, extensively reviewed in R.W.WOOTTON's "Treatment of Controversial Passages in Recent Roman Catholic Translations and Commentaries", the Bible Translator 21 (1970) 65-71.
  23. "The Apostolic Church and the so-called Apocrypha", in The Clergy Monthly 34 (1970) 55-63.
  24. "I Call You to Salvation (Qur 40/44)", in Indian Ecclesiastical Studies 9 (1970) 247-250.
  25. "New Priorities in Andhra . . . Communications", in Catholic Information Centre Report, Dec. 1970 Hyderabad, 25-43.
  26. "No Sandals, Nor Staff . . . ", in In Christo 9 (1971) 44-47.
  27. Review of F.C. FREITAS, "BAPU", a Pictorial Life History of Mahatma Gandhi, in The Examiner (1972).
  28. "The Bible in an Indian Setting", in The Bible is for All, Collins, London 1973, 154-175.
  29. "The Parable of Lazarus and Reflections on How We Should Preach", in Nene Velugu 9 (1973) 14-21.
  30. "Existential Forms of Preaching", in The Living Word 79 (1973) 143-168.
  31. "Witness of the Spirit in Evangelisation", in Service and Salvation, Papers of the Nagpur Theological Conference on Evangelisation, Bangalore TPI 1973, 133-147. Also published in Nene Velugu.
  32. "The Function of Sacred Scripture in the Christianization of India", in The Biblical Apostolate, Quarterly of the WFCBA, 10 (1973) 3-13. Also published in Millhilliana 26 (1974) 83-94. World Mission 31 (1980) No 4, pp 35-45.
  33. "Man’s Nature and Destiny -- Readings in the Theology of Teilhard de Chardin", in Religion and Society 20 (1973) 64-72.
  34. "Laws for Life", serial in The New Leader 64 (1973) 18 March; 1 April; 22 April; 29 April; 20 May;24 June; 1 July; 29 July; 19 August; 7 November; 14 November; 25 November; 65 (1974)10 February; etc. d
  35. "Apostolate among Muslims", in Light and Life We Seek to Share, Papers of the All India Consultation on Evangelization, Patna 1973, 152-168; Al-Basheer 2 (1973) 195-210.
  36. Review of R.H. LESSER's "Words with God" in The Examiner 125 (1974) 33.
  37. "Catholic Family Planning Norms", in The New Leader, 12-11-72; also in The Malabar Herald, 4-11-74 (with long controversy).
  38. Serial of Articles on "Scripture", in The New Leader and Bharathamithram (see also No. 34 and special list).
  39. "The Adoption of Pagan Rites in Early Israelite Liturgy", in God' s Word Among Men , ed. G. Gispert-Sauch, Delhi 1973, 247-256.
  40. "The Authority and Use of the Scripture Today", in Indian Journal of Theology 2 (1974) 96-103.
  41. "The World-wide Mission of God's Humble Servant", in Jeevadhara 3 (1974) 137-143.
  42. "Gandhi and Hindu Prayer", in Outlook 14 (1974) 103-104.111; and in Millhilliana 27 (1975) 85-88.
  43. "Friendship and Reconciliation", in Nene Velugu 11 (1975) 7-10.
  44. "Self-Reliance in Personnel", unpublished paper submitted to The National Advisory Council meeting, Bangalore 11-13 November 1974.
  45. "Correspondence between Fr P. van der Valk and Fr H. Wijngaards", in Millhilliana 26 (1974) 286-291.
  46. "The Integration in Scripture of Originally Non-Jewish Religious Literature", in Research Seminar on Non-Biblical Scriptures, ed. D.S. Amalorpavadass, Bangalore 1974, pp. 78-80.
  47. "The Co-Existence of the Bible and the Non-Christian Sacred Scriptures", in Research Seminar etc., ibid. pp. 80-98. Review in Laity 3 (1975) 267-273, here 271.
  48. " `Judgement' of the Bible on the other Sacred Scriptures?", in Vidyajyoti 39 (1975) 210-216.
  49. "I Want You All to Speak in Tongues" (1 Cor 14,5)", in Vidyajyoti 39 (1975) 358-373.
  50. "The Awe-inspiring Reality of Christ's Silence", in Indian Journal of Theology 24 (1975) 132-142.
  51. "Do Jesus' Words on Divorce (Lk 16,18) Admit of No Exception?", in Jeevadhara 4 (1975) 399-411.
  52. "Why Shepherds at Christmas?", in The New Leader 21st December 1975.
  53. "The Hand on the Plough", unpublished manuscript. Paper read at Courtfield 1976.
  54. Review of "First Steps in Search of the Truth", by M.C.Rajendram.
  55. "Forecasting Mission Needs in 2000 AD." In Millhilliana. 29 (1977) 4 -15.
  56. Review of "The Vedic Experience" by R. Panikker, in The Catholic Herald July 8th 1977.
  57. "Authentic Christian Worship in India. A Search and a Struggle." The Outlook 15 (1977) 5 134-138 . Millhilliana 29 (1977) 4, 14-19.
  58. "Indian Pilgrimage to Mother", The Outlook 15 (1977) 7 196-198. Millhilliana 29 (1977) 7 14-19. "Indische Pilgerfahrt zur Mutter". St. Josefs Missionnsbote Brixen. (May/June 1978) pp.3-5; Absam 83 (May1979) pp. 8-14; St. Joseph's Advocate, Autumn 1985, pp. 14-16.
  59. "Young Churches and the Bible." The Tablet 10th June 1978 pp. 569 571.
  60. "Biblical Spirituality", in Plenary Assembly World Federation Catholic Biblical Apostolate, ed. R. Delaney, Stuttgart 1979, pp.130-144; summary in WFCBA Bulletin 8 1978 pp.131-134; Scripture Bulletin 9 1978 pp.9-14 , 32-36; Millhilliana 30 ( 1978) No 4, pp. 8-30; extracts in Africa Service Bulletin, Lusaka 1979; in Dutch as "Bijbelse Spiritualiteit" in Ons Geestelijk Leven 55 (1978) No4, pp.198-219; Word and Worship 12 (1979) pp.122-129, 203-214, 231-238.
  61. "Hommage tijdens de Uitvaart van Dr N.C.H.Wijngaards", 11th August 1978.
  62. "Resurrection on the Third Day", Millhilliana 31 (1979) 1 pp.16-23.
  63. "On the Primacy of the Spiritual Dimension", The Outlook 16 (1979) 6 pp.184-188.
  64. "Man of God", Millhilliana 31 (1979) pp.13-16.
  65. "Communicating the Word of God", Communicatio Socialis 12 (1979) 3 pp.259-266; Word Event 10 (1980) 4 pp. 10-12.
  66. "Beschrijving van een Indiase Eucharistieviering", Tijdschrift voor Liturgie 63 (1979) No 6 pp. 328-342. Eglise et Mission No 217 (1980) Mars pp.25-27.
  67. "The Presence of Jesus in our Lives", A New Missionary Era ed. P. Flanagan, Irish Missionary Union, Dublin 1979, pp. 202-207.
  68. "Towards an Adult Faith," in The Tablet vol.234 no. 7278 5th January, 1980 pp. 7-10. Letter: "The Dutch Church", The Tablet 26th January 1980 p. 83. Comment: "Catholic vs. Catholic" Newsweek 28 January 1980, 11."Pionierkirche Holland", Orierenterung No. 2 Jahrgang 31.1.1980.
  69. "Gurus at Olympia", The Tablet 21st June 1980 pp.598-600.
  70. "Islamic Orthodoxy?", The Tablet 22nd November 1980, pp.1140-1141.
  71. Letter: re "Mill Hill in the Critical Eighties", Millhilliana 32 (1980) 4 pp.50-51.
  72. "Tomorrow's Church". The Tablet 4th April 1981, pp.334-335. Letter: "Mission Today", The Tablet 18/25 April 1981, p.396.
  73. "The Indianised Mass", Missions and Missionaries (Spring 1981) , 4-5.
  74. "Mission in the Future", Millhilliana 33 (1981) 2 pp.4-11. Letter: Millhilliana, 33 (1981) 4 p.35. "Mission in the Future", The Outlook vol. 17 (1981) 3 pp.186-191, 196.
  75. "Wat mij bij is gebleven". Liber Amicorum , pp. 16-18.
  76. "Christianity's Foreign Image in India", St. Joseph's Advocate vol.21 (1981) 4 pp.7-10.
  77. "Ruysbroeck and the God within", The Tablet 5th December 1981, pp.1194-1196. Letter: "Jan van Ruysbroeck", The Tablet 6th March 1982 p.228.
  78. "India - Op een eeuwenoude stam geënt", Wereldwijd 12 (1981) no. 118, 30.
  79. Objections to the Gospels, Catholic Truth Society, London 1981.
  80. "The Society in the Home Regions", Mill Hill Chapter, 1982 printed report, 13-43.
  81. "Being taught by God the Father", The Clergy Review October 1982 vol. 67 no.10, pp.350-355.
  82. "Did Christ rule out Women Priests?", Radio Interview Sunday 22nd January 1982 at 5pm.
  83. "Is the Third World assuming leadership in Biblical Apostolate?", The Tablet (Copy only) no date.
  84. "Assessing Spiritual Experiences", The Clergy Review vol.67 (1982) 7 pp.253-260.
  85. "Missionary Brother - a happy vocation", Millhilliana 34 (1982) 3 pp.7-11. Also in The Outlook 18 (1982) 3 pp.63-66.
  86. "Misioneros para el futuro", Missiones Extranieras March/April 1982 vol.68 pp.125-139.
  87. "Wayfarers in a New Age", Mission in Dialogue ed. M. Motte and J.R.Lange, Orbis, Maryknoll, New York 1982, 317-352.
  88. "Priesthood", Homily, Millhilliana vol.34 (1982) 4, pp.46-48.
  89. "Die Heilige Scrift in den Sprachen Indiens", Die Katholischen Missionen. Jan/Feb 1983 Vol.102 pp.10-14.
  90. "Young Churches grow up", The Tablet 2/9 April 1983, 336-337.
  91. "Letter to Jesus", Worldwide Marriage Encounter, India 4/6 November 1983.
  92. "Hindu Christianity", Letter: The Tablet 21st January 1984 p.70.
  93. "That Dutch Church", Article: The Tablet 25th February 1984 pp.181-183.
  94. "Escape from the Cannibal God", Article: Millhilliana 36 (1984) 2 pp.69-74.
  95. "Absurd Tales of St. Paul", Article: The Universe 2nd March 1984.
  96. "A Channel 4 Debate", Letter: The Universe 6th April 1984. Letter (Miss Veronica Fletcher) 20th April 1984. Letter: (George Wilson) The Universe 20th April 1984.
  97. "Jesus on trial again", Article: The Universe 6th April 1985. Comment: (Rowanne Pasco) The Universe 6th April 1984. Article: (Christopher Howse) Catholic Herald 13th April 1984.
  98. "Channel 4's Gnostic Christ", Letter: The Tablet (26th May 1984) p.513.
  99. "The Mantra Mystery", Article: The Tablet (30th June 1984) pp.619-620. Also in Annual Bulletin of the Catholic Centre, Madras. July 1983-June 3rd 1984 pp.13-17. Also in Word and Worship vol. xviii no. 6 July 1985, pp. 241-246.
  100. "Everyday Holiness", Article: The Tablet (18th August 1984) pp. 786-787.
  101. "Under Plain Cover", Notebook: The Tablet 6th October 1984, p. 969.
  102. "On Planning Scripture Studies", Booklet: At the Heart of the Church Catholic Charismatic Renewal Vth International Leaders Conference 1984, 30th April -5th May. 1984. Rome. Also in Word and Worship Part (I) 17 (1984) No.9 pp.314-322. Part (ii) 17 (1984) No 10 pp.347-357. Also in Koinonia ano IX No. 53 Mayo-Junio 1985 pp.4-11., and Scripture Bulletin Vol.XVII No. 1 Winter 1986.
  103. "Jewish Viewpoints", Book review: The Universe 12th October 1984.
  104. "Inside a Spiritual Genius", Book review: The Universe 19th October 1984
  105. "The Intricate Web that is India." Book review: The Universe 9th October 1984.
  106. "Scripture in our Life", Address: IVth UP Charismatic Convention, Nav Sadhana, Varanasi, 24th October 1984. (Published in English and Hindi.)
  107. "We can and must have an African Christianity", Review The Tablet 23rd February 1985.
  108. " Bhajans and Spiritual Inculturation", The Outlook vol. 19 (1985) 1 pp.124-128. Also in Proclaim Part i vol 6 (1985) 9 pp. 11-14; Part ii vol 6 (1985) 11 pp.17-20.
  109. "Church hit by a Tornado", No. 1 of three articles on the church in Holland: The Catholic Herald 12th April 1985.
  110. "The Laity in their place", No. 2 article on the Church in Holland: The Catholic Herald 19th April 1985.
  111. "In orthodox opposition", No. 3 article on the Church in Holland: The Catholic Herald 26th April 1985.
  112. "Partnership in mission", The Tablet 15th June 1985.
  113. "Roman Catholic Women Priests", Book review Church Times (Supplement) July 1985.
  114. "Sacred Scripture: The New Testament", A Reading Guide for Missionaries 1985, St. Joseph's College, Mill Hill.
  115. "Africanising Christian Theology", S. Africa Events Vol. 1. No. 8 August 1985.
  116. "Body and Soul", The Tablet 10th August 1985.
  117. "A Saint from Holland", The Tablet 2nd November 1985.
  118. "God's Word through modern media", The Outlook Vol. 19 (1985) 8 pp.215-219. Also in Millhilliana 4 1986.
  119. "Light and dark in India", The Tablet 30th November 1985.
  120. "Passages through India", The Catholic Herald (Contribution to a shared feature article ) 31st January 1986.
  121. "Face to Faith" Series: The Guardian 6th January 1986.
  122. "Healing yes but with proper diagnosis", Paper given at British Council of Churches Consultation on new Religious Movements 28th April 1986.
  123. "Dealing with the Cults", The Tablet 17th May 1986.
  124. "Face to Faith", Series: The Guardian 7th July 1986.
  125. "Rocking the Boat: The Challenge of the House Church", Review . The Tablet 19th July 1986.
  126. "God and yourself", The Tablet 11th October 1986.
  127. "Countering Cults Constructively", The Outlook Vol. 20 (1986)4.
  128. "The Gospels - from speech to writing", Faith Alive" series. The Universe 14th November 1986.
  129. "Spiritual snobbery won't do", in The Bible Today vol.25 No. 1 January, 1987, pp 6-10.
  130. "The word of life", The Tablet 14 March 1987. pp 275-276
  131. "Priests for today", The Tablet 18/25 April 1987. pp. 425-426.
  132. "Mary, the woman who stood by the cross", The Universe June 5th, 1987.
  133. "Leadership that fosters growth", Vidyajyoti July 1987, pp 319-324.
  134. "Helping people believe in themselves", Vidyajyoti August 1987, pp 356-362.
  135. "Celibacy not a requirement", The Catholic Herald, 7 August 1987. (Review of "Married Priesthood in the Catholic Church" by Raymond Hickey).
  136. "Video friendlies", The Tablet, 26 Sept. 1987. pp.1021-1022.
  137. "Daily Bread", (Review of "The Life of Christ - Everyday through one year" by Trevor Partridge and Rita and Neil McLaughlan), The Universe 18 December 1987.
  138. "Christ's birth in us", The Tablet, 19/26 December 1987. Pp.1378-1379
  139. "Cult heroes: mirrors and masters", Christian living for a change, January/February 1988.
  140. Review of: "A deeper kind of truth: Biblical tales for life and prayer" by Elizabeth M. Reis), Scripture Bulletin Vol. XVIII No.2, Summer 1988.
  141. "Praying with the body", The Tablet 24 September 1988, pp. 1086-1087. Also reprinted: International Christian Digest June 1989, vol. 3 no. 5.
  142. Review: "Africanische Theologie: Darstellung and dialog" by Heribert Rocker The Heythrop Journal October 1988 Vol XXIX No. 4, Fourth Quarter.
  143. "The glory of the Lord", The Tablet 19 November 1988. Pp. 1334-1335.
  144. "The true sacrifice", The Tablet 25 March/1 April 1st 1989. Pp.342-343.
  145. "Making friends with God", (Review: "Praying the Bible" by Elizabeth Canham), Catholic Herald 2 June 1989.
  146. Funeral Homily: Dietze Wijngaards-van Hoesel, July 1989.
  147. "Taking evolution seriously: theology comes of age", (Review: "Creation and Redemption" by Gabriel Daly), The Tablet, 10 June 1989, p.671.
  148. "Missionaries of the future", Paper given at Courtfield on 19th May 1989.
  149. "New ways for mission", The Tablet, 22 October 1988.
  150. Review: "Towards a Theology of Inculturation" by Aylward Shorter, The Tablet 28 October 1989.
  151. "A saint in context", The Tablet 28 October 1989.
  152. Articles in Mission Today 1993 - 1996. Series: Explaining the Bible by Father John Wijngaards MHM
    1. Mission Today, Spring 1993, When God's words need interpreting. (Literal and literalist).
    2. Mission Today, Summer 1993, Getting the right message. (Development and progression).
    3. Mission Today, Autumn 1993, Are the Gospels too human? (Discrepancies)
    4. Mission Today, Spring 1994, Making human sense of God. Scriptural images of God).
    5. Mission Today, Summer 1994, Did Jesus know everything?
    6. Mission Today, Autumn 1994, Christ has made us free. (Slavery and adoption).
    7. Mission Today, Spring 1995, You can meet Jesus personally. (Love, prayer, sacraments).
    8. Mission Today, Summer 1995, Naked without shame.
    9. Mission Today, Autumn 1995, Heaven is something to look forward to.
    10. Mission Today, Spring 1996, Jesus' family tree. (Matthew's genealogy).
    11. Mission Today, Summer 1996, Did the devil really speak to Jesus?
    12. Mission Today, Autumn 1996, 101 ways of dodging the use of God's name.
  153. "Countering Cults Constructively", The Outlook Vol. xx No. 4 Winter 1986, pp. 105-107.
  154. "Making friends with God", Review of "Praying the Bible" by Elizabeth Canham. No date. Catholic Herald.
  155. "On Planning Scripture Studies", Priests and People, July/August 1990, Vol.4 No. 7, pp. 270-277.
  156. "A double-edged appeal", The Tablet. 9th February 1991, pp. 180-281.
  157. "Learning to live with life after death", The Times, November 4th 1991.
  158. "Reflections on the Christmas paradox", The Times, Dec.23rd1991.
  159. "Redemptoris Missio", Dutch Mission Council, 10th Jan 1992.
  160. Obituary on Bishop Gerald Mahon in The Tablet 8th February 1992, p.186.
  161. "Dissent sustains universal church", The Times 2nd October 1993.
  162. "God in ordinary", Viewpoint, The Tablet, 20th August 1994, p. 1034.
  163. "God in ordinary", Letter in The Tablet, 12th November 1994, pp. 1443-1444.
  164. "Images of success", Mission Outlook, April 1995, pp.14-16.
  165. "Enkele veel voorkomende vragen", Avimo, April, May/June 1996, pp. 18-19.
  166. "Escape from the tomb", The Tablet, May 20th1995, p. 628-629.
  167. Book review - "Innocent as a dove, but not as wise as a serpent", The Tablet. 28th October 1995, p. 1380.
  168. "A Popular Guide to Understanding the Bible", Scripture from Scratch, January 1996.
  169. "See yourself in the Bible", The Tablet 27 September 1997, pp. 1222-1223.
  170. " Wrong over Slavery", Letter in The Tablet 12th Dec 1998, p. 1650.

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