Women’s Leadership in the Church
according to Christian Tradition

by John Wijngaards

Tradition and the ‘sense of faith’

Lesson ten
Tradition and the ‘sense of faith’

  • * read the narration column first
  • * then do the exercises

Read the following chapter in our Textbook, The Ordination of Women, etc.,

  • chapter 6, ‘The Assessment of Believers’, pages 42-47.

The existence of latent Tradition

The Church has always believed that its true Tradition is not fully expressed in external statements or practices. Tradition also contains “the gospel which our Lord did not write, but taught by word of mouth and implanted in people’s hearts, and part of which the evangelists later wrote down, while much was simply entrusted to the hearts of the faithful”
(Joseph Ratzinger, ‘On the Interpretation of the Tridentine Decree on Tradition’, in Revelation and Tradition, by K. Rahner and J. Ratzinger, Burns & Oates, London 1966, pp. 50-68.) This Tradition is known as ‘the Gospel in the Heart’.

It is my contention that, throughout the centuries, Catholics have known, in their heart of hearts and in the marrow of their bones, that women are equal before God and that there cannot be a fundamental objection to the ordination of women to the priesthood. This inner conviction was the ‘sensus fidelium’, the Christian sense of faith, the mind of the Church: Ecclesiae Catholicae sensus, or sometimes consensus Ecclesiae, remembering that in these last expressions ‘Church’ stands for the whole community of believers.


Read more about this in ‘Latent Tradition’!

The Characteristics of Latent Tradition

It is important to note the following about Latent Tradition:

  • Such an inner truth may not be explicitly recognised for a long time. Cardinal Newman called it the reality and permanence of inward knowledge, as distinct from explicit confession. “The absence, or partial absence, or incompleteness of dogmatic statements is no proof of the absence of impressions or implicit judgments, in the mind of the Church. Even centuries might pass without the formal expression of a truth, which had been all along the secret life of millions of faithful souls.”
  • The inner truth goes through the typical development of a living seed. “Tradition is living because it is carried by living minds—minds living in time. These minds meet with problems or acquire resources, in time, which lead them to endow Tradition, or the truth it contains, with the reactions and characteristics of a living thing: adaptation, reaction, growth and fruitfulness. Tradition is living because it resides in minds that live by it, in a history which comprises activity, problems, doubts, opposition, new contributions, and questions that need answering” (Johann Möhler).
  • Tradition is the Church’s growing awareness. Its role in the Church is similar to that played by awareness in a person’s life: comprehension and memory, gauge of identity, instinct of what is fitting, witness and expression of personality. This awareness, however, is special, because the awareness comes from Christ. It holds data it has received as a deposit.



Ask ten of your friends what they think about admitting women to full spiritual leadership in the Church.

  • What reasons do they give for saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’?
  • Analyse their answers in the light of this course.

Did a ‘Latent Tradition’ support women priests?

As we examine the history of the Church -- our history as Christ's believing community --, we discover, underneath the cultural opposition against women priests, a constant awareness that ran counter to the officially sanctioned social and cultural ideas. This awareness of women's capability of Holy Orders has manifested itself in a number of ways:

  1. Throughout the centuries outstanding men and women have testified to their awareness of their equality in Christ, implying also a full share in Christ’s sacramental priesthood.

  2. The ordination of women to the full sacramental diaconate (lessons 3 & 4) implied their openness to all ordained ministries.

  3. Throughout the centuries the faithful have had a devotion to Mary as priest. They intuitively saw, with their ‘Catholic sense’, that Mary shared in Jesus' priesthood more than anyone else. Implicitly it contained the strong, but usually unspoken conviction, that Mary, though a woman, could easily have been ordained a priest, as much as any man. At times this conviction is expressed explicitly. See here a full overview of documents on Mary Priest on this web site.

  4. There have been isolated cases of women having been ordained priests, especially in the South of Italy. ‘As an historian of Christian antiquity, I need to emphasize that the tradition of the first five to six centuries has not been so unanimous in condemning the female priesthood as is usually held’ (George Otranto; read Otranto's article with introduction by Dr. Mary Ann Rossi or (in shorter form) Otranto’s lecture).

  5. For many centuries St Mary Magdalen was venerated as a woman saint who had preached (something presumed to be the sole privilege of priests) and who had even taught the apostles the correct doctrine when they went astray.

  6. All sacraments are administered in the name of Christ. But women administer both the sacrament of baptism and marriage.


The community of believers is only now beginning to study its own inner history again. There we discover that the conviction that women too can be admitted to the priesthood has always, somehow, been present in the Church’s consciousness.


What is at stake

Authentic Tradition

Early Church

Women Deacons

The Fathers

Middle Ages

Church Law


Spurious tradition

Latent tradition